Active (EN)
Design the world the way you like it
This is what you can do:
6 R’s for a plastic-free future
ReThink: Before you buy something new, ask yourself: „Do I really need this? Will I use it often?“.
ReFuse: Refuse to buy everything new. Many things can be borrowed, shared or exchanged. Refuse free products like samples, catalogues, etc. that you wouldn’t use anyway.
ReCycle: What appears to be rubbish to us can often be recycled. This applies not only to glass bottles, but also to plastic waste, which of course belongs in the yellow bin/recyclable waste bin! Properly disposed of, new plastic products can be made from old ones.
RePair: Before you throw out your favourite clothes or smartphone because they are old, try to mend or repair them. You might also find a Repair Cafe near you that can help you.
ReDuce: Reduce your ecological footprint. When buying a product, make sure that as few resources as possible have been used in its production. Buy fairly produced products.
ReUse: Use what you have for as long as possible. Think about upcycling ideas when you need a change.
This is what you can do:
Sign petitions:
Collect rubbish:
Plan actions together:
Take a look at our campaign page and be inspired by the ideas or get creative yourself.
Plan exchange room:
Do you want to get to know other active people? Are you looking for impulses and people with new ideas? Then write an email to our activist with the email and invite them to a relaxed meeting.