BUNDjugend Nordrhein-Westfalen  

Werde Plastik Aktivist*in

Become a plastic activist (EN)

This Project is over!

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Thank you for being part of the projekt and for supporting the topics plastics and sufficiency!

We say Thank you to the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung NRW for supporting the project!

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What does “Become a plastic activist” mean? 

Be part of our network of people who want to work together against the ever-growing plastic flood. Learn with us how we can reduce plastic use in everyday life. Discover new forms of action with us, such as our plastic waste art object in Bonn.

What do we want to achieve?

We want to take a critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of plastic. We want to inform about the consequences of excessive plastic use and show alternatives.

How can I participate?

You can take part in our events, workshops and seminars https://www.bundjugend-nrw.de/projekte/plastik/workshops-en/. If you like, you can train pupils and interested people with the help of our educational material.

Are there dates I should remember?

Here you can find our dates. If you would like to be informed about new events on a regular basis, please sign up for our newsletter.

Do I need to have experience with the topic plastic?

No. You can always take part in workshops to learn more about plastic and exchange with other activists to learn new things.

How can I find out more about plastics?

At „information“ you will find some information on the topic of plastic and sufficiency. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Do I have to be a member of BUNDjugend NRW?

You don’t have to be a member, but we would be happy if you decide to become one.